“我們的發展不是不可避免的” “our progress is not inevitable”
在歷史裡,分離是從失望開始的 the secession began historically as a form of disappointment
真愛的細節,和老闆无关 details are not for bosses (stay in love with the details)
在這個地區,“分離” 是個敏感詞 it is a highly sensitive word in this region
堅持做妳/你不擅长做的事 to insist upon that which you do not excel
全資源弃用 not using all the resources
未完成的句子 unfinished sentences
“an account of this unknowing”
when the parameters are all wrong, what is
交易的問題固有地跟紀錄相關,因為沒有任何東西是免費的 the question of exchange is inherently linked to documentation, because nothing is for free
你/妳喜歡的人不一定要彼此喜歡 the people that you like don’t necessarily like each other